Monday, August 30, 2010

New School Year ...

It is always fun to start a new year at school, it brings a lot of good memories … at the same time it is the time for inspiration, new goals, and stuff … Every time before the first day of classes I set a new set of goals … Somehow it happens that it is a learning experience for me every year … I learned a lot of things about myself this summer. I met a lot of new people and had a lot of different experiences. I faced both excitements and disappointments … I have been both happy and stressed …  
I learned that whatever happens, I am to be nice and to help others with whatever they need help with … and if in the end they happen to not appreciate it or take advantage of it … too bad … It has worked well in my life so far … I mean the world is full of people that upset us or do not care, but it is life, I guess …
I learned that there are two types of people out there: people that we love and people that we do not know.
When we come to earth, we are so vulnerable … we are who we are … we do not know how to put walls or how to pretend to be someone we are not … we don’t play any games … we are just ourselves … but then with time things change. We realize that to survive we have to get protected, get our shields on and then it gets so hard to get to our real selves. But once we dig out that vulnerable person that came into the world … we can’t help loving him / her. I love that! I have tried really hard to stay who I am without building the walls. Remember the times when we were little kids? We’d meet other kids and we make friends in seconds, remember that? It was SO easy! Why? Because we did not have to pretend anything, we could just be ourselves. And this is how I have been my whole life. A lot of my friends told me a million times that I should protect myself and stuff. But I don’t mind getting walked over, I learned one thing “Charity NEVER fails!” Somehow, if you love others and do your best to earn that charity and apply that principle in your life, it all works out. Don’t ask me how or why, I do not know … BUT I know it does work!
Sometimes, I wish people would have been more honest … I mean a lot of times we are scared to say the truth cause it might hurt someone’s feelings … and it is understandable, but still … I remember my parents would always say that they’d rather hear painful truth than sweet lies … and I SO agree with that! I mean when it comes to dating and stuff for example, why can’t we be honest? I mean why can’t we say: “Hey, I like you!” or “Sorry, I am really not that into you”? That would have made things so much easier, but … no; instead we have to come up with some lame excuses, we play games and in the end it hurts us more …
Well, I should probably wrap up cause I am rambling now, lol. I love starting a new school year though, it always gets me into this “thinking mode”. I look forward to the new challenges and achievements, I am taking a ton of classes, and it will keep me busy, yay! I have also been blessed with a good job on campus; I enjoy working for the Office of Information Technology. I love the people I work with and I just feel lucky to be where I am.
Yay for the new opportunities and challenges! Buckle up, it is going to be a fun ride ;) 

1 comment:

  1. You should write more :) I liked where you talked about "painful truth and sweet lies". I totally agree with you on that. Painful truths are always better than sweet lies. One is the quick and easy way out that usually just leads to more trouble and the other is the upfront, honest, and respectable way to do things.
