Friday, February 17, 2012

Life ...

I am convinced that everyone has the right to make mistakes. I believe that we all make mistakes for a reason. Life is a learning experience, and it is OK to make mistakes. This is how we learn and grow. The hard part of it is to get up after falling on your face. Get up and continue walking. Some people get depressed, some people become bitter, some people start doing things that hurt others, etc. It is hard to keep "a loving heart" for most people. But at the same time it is so important.

I remember when I was a little girl we lived in a nice area in Ukraine where moms got together with their kids and we, kids, played together. I remember how easy it was to find friends. You get on the playground, you come up to a boy / girl. You introduce yourself and ask them for their name, and then you find yourself playing together as if you have know each other for your entire lives. I remember we cared so much about each other and when we hurt someone we said: "I am sorry" and gave them a kiss. Cute, huh? We said what we meant and we meant what we said. Things were crystal clear at that time. 

However, with time everything change. We grow up and learn how to guard ourselves, we become these weird people that are scared to do things for other because we might get hurt. We are scared to love, we are scared to care. Because what if another person chooses to do something else ... And it IS scary, don't get me wrong. But we must progress, we must grow. We gotta acquire hearts that love, brains equipped with wisdom and truth, and courage to find our ways. 

And all the life experience we have are not to make us miserable, but to teach us how to be better people. Those are to help us accomplish what we are to accomplish, help us achieve our goals and make us better people. So many people in Utah say: "Well, I have had this and that happen in my life and now I cannot do anything, but be like this". A lot of those are guys and gals that got their hearts broken and now they just go around making out with everything that moves without any commitment or feelings. Most of them understand that it is no bueno, that it might hurt other people's feeling, but they do not want to change it. Some of them say: "I am not ready yet". And to be honest, it makes me laugh inside. Because in reality what they are saying is: "I do not want to. And I do not care if someone does not like it, this is how I roll. Like it or not". It also reminds me of some of my drug addicted friends from home. They would always say: "I am going to quit doing drugs, just not right now. I know it is bad, but I am just not ready yet". Guess what? They have never given up their addictions. And some of them even died ... I know sad ... 

Anyway, what I am trying to say in this post is that it is ok to make mistakes. Sometimes, mistakes of others hurt us in a very personal and painful way. And regardless of how painful and miserable it is, it is ok. They have the right to make mistakes just like we do. And on our part, we gotta take those experiences and make the best out of them. Learn our lessons, forgive, forget, and love those people in return. You were engaged and got cheated on? It is hard, it hurts, it hurts BAD, but it is ok ... love is a wonderful thing that cures everything. And sometimes, we gotta have those experiences to actually know what it really means to love and care for someone. I love what C.S. Lewis said about love. To love is to be vulnerable, there are not other ways. 

It is ok to get hurt through those experiences we learn how to love, we become wiser, and we learn to be courageous. It is ok to trust others. Don't lock your heart up in a safe (unless you are going on an LDS mission, haha). Don't be afraid. To Love is to Be Vulnerable! 

I am done with my preaching for today =))))) 

Love you all SO very much! 



  1. А мне понравилось. Молодець Хрыстына :)!
